Life With Christ


Life with Christ Church Ministries
working for Christian’s development
and running an orphanages and ministries
and preaching gospel news۔

Blessed Orphan

Charity and Nonprofit Organization
Every one of the thousands of children that have come to
Orphan Care are cared for both physically and emotionally.
Caring for orphans requires a safe and supportive environment
including food and water, education, healthcare
and a loving family.

Helpness Especially

Toword the Needy
or Suffering

Every child deserves an education, especially if they
have had a rough start of life. Every child who lives in a
local Orphan Care center goes to a good private school.

Help is Our
Main Goal

Life With Christ Church Ministries is a non-profit organization dedicated to serve humanity without any discrimination of caste, creed, and/or color. We believe that everyone deserves support in a equality, food, shelter, access to education, and healthcare facilities. Our goal is to work for creating a world where equality sustains.

To support children in need of care and protection and to help destitute poor, neglected needy and orphan children.

Our purpose is change people through the preaching of the Gospel of God Jesus Christ and bring closer to the path of salvation. Change people hearts with the Gospel and love of Jesus Christ.

Water is very important need of the people and man, except we together provide clean water in the areas where there is not clean water.



Volunteers helping carry
our global mission

We’ve Been Saving Sight And Changing Lives

We are called by God to "defend the cause of the Fatherless", and our purpose is to raise awareness of the 147 million orphaned and abandoned children in our world and then educate and equip people with the resources and support they need to care for these at-risk children. What started out as a dream of overflowing Naqash Javed into a ministry that has touched the lives of thousands of orphans. Today we and al the people that help us in this business are focused on fulfilling our original mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Together with our staff and God blessing we steadfastly devoted to our calling to build God's kingdom through this platform of orphan care. We operate to change the life of orphaned children.

Our Donation

Featured Non Profit Causes

Give Them Home

We work with local support teams to identify children in crisis and remove them from street life as quickly as possible.

Clean Water For Poor Peoples

Put an end to this water crisis and keep Pakistani Families HAPPY AND HEALTHY.

Monthly Food Package

We are distributing monthly food package for poor, widows and needy people.

Give Opportunities

We provide opportunities to provide quality of education, awareness, and free medicial.

Our Categoris

Since 2010, we’ve been saving sight and changing lives around the Pakistan. Spread Good News and share Gospel.

CEO - Founder

Shelter for Homeless Children's

Giving A Helping Hand For Children.

Curabitur in eleifend turpis, id vehicula odio. soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxi me placeat facere possimus.

Blessed Orphan Centre is provide Food, Shelter, Education, Health, Medical and Happy and Loving Environment. 

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring. ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip. labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Our Member

We Always Work With

Our Team

Naqash Javed
Founder & Director
Miss Jana
Mr. Aqib Javed
Finance Secretary
Mrs. Sumaira Aqib
General Secretary
Umair Javed
Joint Secretary
Ruth Tariq
Information Secretary
Sonia Shahmeer
Office Secretary

The Number Of People Who

Have Taken Action With Us On Our Save
Wildlife Campaign

Mission & Vission

Our Goal Is To Make Your Life Better

Our Mission is to serve the Christian Community via Life With Christ Church Ministries’ International platform, patterning our efforts with Global Churches to evangelize and make disciples to the people belonging to every age, race and ethnicity into becoming abundantly devoted followers of Jesus Christ Our Lord. Moreover, fuse and mobilize the worldwide Spirit-filled family in completing the enormous Commission of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 28 : 18 -20

18- And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

19- Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

19- Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

“Our vision is to win souls for Christ Jesus and provide a growing and protective environment to Christians all over Pakistan so that each Christian individual is better equipped to share love and Gospel of the Kingdom of God.” 

Colossians 3:23-24

23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

1. Helping others feels good

There is some evidence to suggest that when you help others, it can promote physiological changes in the brain linked with happiness.  This heightened sense of well-being might be the byproduct of being more physically active as a result of volunteering, or because it makes us more socially active.

2. It creates a sense of belonging

Helping others can help us to make new friends and connect with our community.  Face-to-face activities such as volunteering at a food bank can also help reduce loneliness and isolation.

3. It gives you a sense of purpose

Studies show that volunteering enhances an individual’s overall sense of purpose and identity.  This is because helping others can make you feel rewarded, fulfilled and empowered.

4. Giving helps keep things in perspective

Helping others, especially those who are less fortunate than yourself, can help to put things into perspective and make you feel more positive about your own circumstances.

5. It’s contagious

One study found that people are more likely to perform feats of generosity after observing another do the same. This effect can ripple throughout the community, inspiring dozens of individuals to make a difference.  

6. Helping others can help you live longer

Regular volunteering can improve your ability to manage stress and stave off disease as well as increasing your sense of life satisfaction. This might be because volunteering alleviates loneliness and enhances our social lives.

7. It will give you a sense of renewal

Helping others can teach you to help yourself. If you’ve been through a tough experience or just have a case of the blues, the "activism cure" is a great way get back to feeling like yourself.

8. You’ll boost your self-esteem

People who volunteer have been found to have higher self-esteem and overall wellbeing. The benefits of volunteering also depend on your consistency. So, the more regularly you volunteer, the more confidence you'll gain.

9. You’ll create stronger friendships

When you help others, you give off positive vibes, which can rub off on peers and improve your friendships.  Being a force for good in a friend’s life can help build a lasting bond.

10. You become a glass half-full type person

Having a positive impact on someone else could help you change your own outlook and attitude. Experts say that performing acts of kindness boosts your mood and ultimately makes you more optimistic and positive.

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We’re Here to Help People in Needs

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